Title: The Sense of Belonging
One of my first hubs/article that I wrote. It's more about our wanting to be appreciated or to be loved by others.
It's a little bit outdated now and there might be some errors that I haven't noticed yet or changed and the writing is rather inexperienced but it continues to still be one of my favorites. What inspired me to write this is simple, and that is my mind. My mind told me to write this down and show it to the people. All of us want appreciation, everyone wants to be a part of something, may it be a circle of friends, a group of people, they all count in the sense of belonging.
Relationships as we know it, are temporary. They will eventually fade away and be forgotten, they will hurt us, and yet we ask for it. We go into relationships (may that relationship be friendship or loving someone completely) knowing that we will get hurt in the end. Most give up in a relationship because eventually they get tired fixing it, they get tired thinking that things would be okay and in the end it would be better. Reality strikes them.
Relationships are temporary, but why do we keep it? Why do we continue to search for it? Everyone has a relationship, with someone, somewhere. That relationship, whatever it is at that single moment, at that particular time, at that extraordinary place, is the reason why we have relationships. May it be temporary and that one day will disappear, that won't matter, because it has once been the reason why you are living your life and you'll continue to find these things in your life, they will be endless, and forever be there. Each, every single one of them will count and will add up in the end.
We all want to be loved, to be appreciated, so let's share that to everyone else, to let them know that we are here together, that we want some of that sense, that Sense of belonging.
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