Thursday, November 21, 2013

You and I are not so different

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Title: You and I are not so different.

This was inspired by a good friend of mine. She was probably an opposite counter part of me, but as the days passed by I realized that we were not that different at all.

We have friends, close friends, best friends, friends that are special, and what makes them our friends is the idea that we can find shelter in them. But close friends and best friends are different from our normal friends, our "besties" or close friends are people whom we have searched a lifetime for. People who understand us completely and could relate to us endlessly. They help and formed us, shared ideals with us( or evil masterminds) that we dream about. These people are rare, as in rare like Legendary Pokemons, and the reality of it all is the fact that it is hard to catch them.

She inspired me to make a hub or an idea of what we have become, and that is we have become friends, best of friends. We trust each other and build walls together. We both explore the deep recesses of our minds and find or make ideas that we have never thought of. We watch people, spectate them and appreciate each movement, each interaction they do to each other. We see the universe and ask it different questions. We answer questions from people who have them or have doubts in them. These things are the things that we do, that makes us not so different from each other.

"The worlds we make are bounded with those of others, settling and searching, making roads to places we could never reach and never thought of. The search, the thrill, the beauty and the laughter, all of these is with the beauty of friendship."

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